2019-11-10 LeetCode in Rust LeetCode 997. Find the Town Judge Problem Statement use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};impl Solution { pub fn find_judge(n: i32, trust: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> i32 { let mut map: HashMap<i32, HashSet<i32>> = HashMap::new(); let mut ans = 1; for p in trust { let (k, v) = (p[0], p[1]); map.entry(k).or_insert(HashSet::new()); map.get_mut(&k).unwrap().insert(v); } for i in 1..n + 1 { if ans == i { continue; } if map.contains_key(&ans) { ans = i; } } for i in 1..n + 1 { if ans == i { continue; } if map.contains_key(&ans) || map.get(&i).is_none() || !map.get(&i).unwrap().contains(&ans) { return -1; } } return ans; }} Newer LeetCode 992. Subarrays with K Different Integers Older LeetCode 1145 Binary Tree Coloring Game